Building Homes, Changing Lives
DwellingsNow is a charity that has been building homes and changing lives since 2009 by providing shelter and hope for recipient families as well as a life-changing experience for those involved in the building process. Your involvement will make a lasting difference in the lives of those who live in difficult living situations. By making a donation or becoming a volunteer you will help provide a new start for a grateful family.
Our Mission
DwellingsNow transforms lives through constructing homes and building meaningful relationships in Roatan and beyond. This work brings dignity, hope, and security to families and strengthens communities.
2023 Impact Report

Roatan, Honduras

Our Leadership

Rudy Roberts
"DwellingsNow significantly impacts the lives of the families who receive homes. When we build homes alongside the families, we are providing security, restoring dignity, and bringing hope for their future. Having a safe and secure home allows children to stay healthy and remain in school, improving their chance to have an education and a brighter future. Not only does this process dramatically change the lives of the family members, but team members are also impacted through the experience. Building homes together creates lasting relationships and strengthens the community. I love to see the joy, pride, and excitement of the family as they participate in building their home side by side with the caring team members."
Executive Director
Board of Directors

Eric Drivdahl
Licensed Architect, Washington State, 2013
"As an architect, I am privileged to design and craft exquisite dream homes of the Pacific Northwest. As a volunteer and financial supporter of DwellingsNow, I get to participate in building homes for families that fulfill their wildest dreams for a home. In this work, I also get to witness first-hand how each DwellingsNow home transforms the lives of each family and their communities in powerful ways. I see the simple, affordable, and life-changing work done over a few days on each DwellingsNow house build as a lightning bolt of extraordinary good, whose thunder reverberates throughout the life of each family and their community."

Jeff Laurence
Owner & President, JL Remodeling
Jeff founded JL Remodeling in February of 2001 on a mission to make a positive impact on the lives of his clients, his employees, and his community. Every year as a part of that mission to make a positive impact, he takes a group of people to Roatan to build a house with DwellingsNow.
Vice President

Trevor Johnson
Chief Executive Officer at Blackwood Builders Group
"DwellingsNow makes a difference by lifting up everyone in the process. Their hands-on partnership with the teams building the homes as well as the families in need is what makes DwellingsNow so special. Everyone involved grows from the experience."

Wayne Elpus
Chief Innovation Officer of Black Mountain Systems
"I became familiar with DwellingsNow after purchasing a home in Roatan in 2019. I was so impressed with how donations to the organization directly impacted lives here so positively that I felt compelled to become more involved."

Dorothy Sekabira
Human Resources Specialist
"I participated in buildings homes on Roatan while I was in college and the experience left a strong impression on me. It's a privilege to be involved again, to see DwellingsNow still going strong and impacting families long term for the better."

Jennifer Hodo
Educational Assistant Lead
Professional accomplishments include experience in Social Work, Counseling, and Recreational Therapy
"I have taken two trips to Roatan with my family and friends, and I have been able to see the direct impact DwellingsNow has on the family and community receiving the home. There is also a lasting impact on the groups building the home as they develop relationships with the beautiful culture and people in Roatan. The staff on the island led by example and with care, and they do an amazing job facilitating the whole experience for everyone involved. My family is forever grateful to be part of those trips and to continue to be a part of DwellingsNow. We are always planning our next trip back!"
Our Island Partners

Lilian Pavon
Team Coordinator​
"I meet and get to serve with the most amazing, generous, and loving people. It is a great blessing to be part of something that helps families with their biggest needs. "

Geovanny Pavon
Construction Foreman​
"Each team and family I work with has its own unique experiences and unforgettable moments. "